@charset "euc-jp"; @import "common.less"; /* 職種一覧 ----------------------------------------------------*/ .joblist { .waku { .kadomaru; padding:0 0.15rem 0.15rem; .buttonArea { button { width:100%; } } .tips { margin:0; color:@color; text-align:center !important; } } .jobs { border:@border; -webkit-border-radius:@radius; background:#fff; font-size:@font16; line-height:1.6; margin:0.05rem 0.1rem; text-align:left; overflow:hidden; dt { .toggle; font-weight:bold; span { display:block; font-weight:normal; font-size:@font12; } } dd { padding:0 0.15rem 0.15rem; h2 { margin:0.2rem 0 0; font-size:@font16; border-left:solid 6px @bg-dark-color; background:@bg-pale-color; padding:0.042rem 0.07rem; line-height:normal; } .buttonArea { button { width:100%; } } } } } @media screen and (min-width:480px) { .joblist { .jobs { dt { background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(1.00, #eee), color-stop(0.11, #fff)); &::before, &::after{ right:0.3rem; } } } } } /* 同意文 ----------------------------------------------------*/ .agree { .waku { .kadomaru; padding:0 0.15rem 0.15rem; overflow:hidden; .textarea { font-family:@font; font-size:@font16; margin:0.05rem 0 0; padding:0.1rem 0 0; line-height:1.6; } .buttonArea ul { margin:0 0 0.15rem; li { display:inline-block; margin:0 2px; } button { .button; span { .button-font; width:1.3rem; } } } } } /* エントリー・確認 ----------------------------------------------------*/ .entry { .waku_atten { padding:0.05rem 0.1rem; .warn { color:#cc3333; font-weight:bold; } } .waku { .kadomaru; padding:0 0.15rem 0.15rem; overflow:hidden; } .buttonArea button { .button; width:85%; margin:0 0 15px; span { .button-font; } } h2 { margin:0.2rem 0 0; font-size:@font16; border-left:solid 6px @bg-dark-color; background:@bg-pale-color; padding:0.042rem 0.07rem; line-height:normal; } h2:first-child { margin:0.14rem 0 0; } h3 { clear:both; font-size:@font16; border-bottom:solid 2px @bg-dark-color; padding:0.13rem 0 0.065rem; line-height:1.4; } strong { .iconBox; font-size:@font11; padding:0.03rem 0.05rem 0.02rem; margin:0 0.05rem; font-weight:normal; // position:relative; // top:-2px; } fieldset { overflow:hidden; font-size:@font16; line-height:1.6; width:100%; margin:0.13rem 0; padding:0 0 0.13rem; background:url(../images/dotline.png) left bottom repeat-x; p { font-size:100%; } } fieldset.noline { margin:0.13rem 0 -0.13rem; padding:0; background:none; } legend { clear:both; font-weight:bold; padding:0.06rem 0 0.04rem; } input, select { margin:0.06rem 0; font-size:@font16; &::-webkit-input-placeholder { font-size:@font13; } } input[type="text"], input[type="email"], input[type="tel"], input[type="number"], input[type="password"] { .input; padding:0 0.05rem; height:0.35rem; } input[size="6"] { width:0.5rem; } input[size="8"] { width:0.9rem; } input[size="30"], .w30 { width:95%; } textarea { .input; font-family:@font; display:block; line-height:1.4; width:95%; height:0.45rem; margin:0.06rem 0; padding:0.08rem 0.05rem 0.07rem; } label { margin-right:0.1rem; white-space:nowrap; display:inline-block; &[for^="job_experience"], &[for^="work_day"], &[for^="commute_how"] { .checkBox; 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-webkit-border-radius:@radius; background:#fff; font-size:@font16; line-height:1.6; margin:0.13rem 0.1rem 0; text-align:left; overflow:hidden; dt { .toggle; &.open { border-bottom:dotted 1px #ccc; } } dd { padding:0.15rem; border-bottom:none; h2 { border-top:dotted 1px #ccc; border-left:none; background:none; padding:0.13rem 0 0; &:first-child { border-top:none; margin:0; } } p { padding:0; } } } .buttonArea { li{ display:inline-block; button { width:1.3rem; } } } } @media screen and (max-width:320px){ .entry label[for^="contact_how"]::before, .entry label[for^="job_experience"]::before, .entry label[for^="work_day"]::before, .entry label[for^="commute_how"]::before { top:3px; } .entry label[for^="contact_how"]::after, .entry label[for^="job_experience"]::after, .entry label[for^="work_day"]::after, .entry label[for^="commute_how"]::after { top:6px; } }